In 2017, Life Remodeled began their first multi-year community commitment by repurposing the former Durfee Elementary Middle School (adjacent to Central High School) into its first Opportunity Hub, the Durfee Innovation Society (DIS). Life Remodeled hosted five years of Six Day Projects in the four square miles surrounding the DIS as well as managed significant renovations to the building such as installation of an elevator and new heating and cooling system. 

In 2020, Life Remodeled pivoted to address the needs of Detroiters adversely and disproportionately affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition to the disbursement of more than half a million dollars of groceries, fresh produce, gift cards and tablets, we provided a platform to discuss race and equity through a program called Race Remodeled. Life Remodeled also finalized construction of the DIS and received the building’s full certificate of occupancy. Finally, Life Remodeled celebrated its 10-year anniversary with a virtual celebration viewed over 8,000 times online and launched a new organizational logo and brand.

In May of 2021, the DIS reached 100% occupancy. The building has remained fully occupied and presently has 36 tenants serving 28,000 Detroiters annually in partnership with Life Remodeled through afterschool programs, workforce development and health & wellness.