There’s a lot of talk but not enough walk when it comes to revitalizing Detroit neighborhoods. Life Remodeled works with communities and organizations to create neighborhood revitalization that lasts.
Our unique model repurposes vacant school buildings into one-stop hubs of opportunity where families can thrive. We fill these hubs with the best and brightest nonprofit organizations and facilitate collaboration to create far greater life transformation together than was previously possible alone.
Together, we ensure more:
1. Detroit students perform at or above grade level in math and reading
2. Families have access to essential health and wellness services
3. Community members obtain higher paying jobs and achieve economic self-sufficiency
Each year, we also mobilize thousands of volunteers to remove blight and beautify four square miles in only six days.
Investing your time and resources without seeing results is frustrating. We’re committed to ensuring your donations and participation in our programs make measurable impact.
88% of 3rd grade
students in Detroit read
below grade level
30% of Detroiters
cannot access the
healthcare they need
Detroit residents’ median
household income is 50%
less than suburban residents