Detroiters Are Thriving

1.8 min readBy Published On: July 11th, 2024Categories: News/Media

Willie strolls around the Durfee Innovation Society (DIS) with a smile on his face and pep in his step.

He’s on his daily walk through the halls of the building during his break from his GED course. He is slated to graduate with his diploma this summer— one day before his 70th birthday.

Willie has had his fair share of challenges in life, such as growing up in a tough Detroit neighborhood with a single parent and struggles related to drugs and alcohol; however, his experience at the DIS has transformed his commitment and focus on his future. “I wake up with purpose now,” said Willie. “Life Remodeled and the DIS have changed my life. Being here keeps me away from drinking or smoking which has cost me a lot. Now I can go to a building where my whole family can get services. I’ve never experienced anything like this before.”

Willie and the 25,000 other Detroiters who are served by the DIS each year not only participate in programs provided by our 34 partners, but they also become part of our Life Remodeled family and enjoy the benefits that result from our wide-spread revitalization strategy. According to a recent Gallup survey of thousands of Detroit residents, the Durfee community had the second-highest perception of thriving opportunities among all neighborhoods in the city, and the commissioners of the survey have attributed this success to the work of Life Remodeled. Additionally, the surrounding community now has the lowest crime rates in Detroit! Before we opened our doors in 2017, crime rates were consistently among the top ten highest.

We’re excited to replicate the model we have created at the DIS at our next opportunity hub on Detroit’s eastside, Anchor Detroit! With your support, we’ll soon be serving 18,000 more Detroiters and their families annually at this new site through afterschool programs, workforce development, health & wellness, arts and technology.


Please make a gift today to support our mission and projects contributing to Detroit neighborhood revitalization that lasts!