Al McCarver
Maintenance Technician
“I want to grow old and still have a connection with the Durfee Innovation Society”
Al’s unexpected journey began with a simple visit to the Durfee Innovation Society (DIS), a place he now calls home with individuals who’ve become like family. Al, a Detroit resident, paid a visit to the DIS in 2021 to receive job placement services through (DIS tenant partner) Detroit at Work. The very next day Al was placed at Life Remodeled as a “Temporary Work Experience” or “TWE” employee. The Temporary Work Experience program through Detroit at Work is a 5-week program where job seekers who have little to no work experience can receive on-the-job training that will qualify them for better job opportunities.
In the initial 5-weeks of the TWE placement, Al worked closely with then-maintenance supervisor, Jake Williams and learned a great deal about carpentry and plumbing. Al and Jake formed a great bond and Jake became a father figure to him. Because of Al’s work ethic, his 5-week assignment continued to extend until he was a TWE for 6 months doing maintenance work on the DIS building.
Al has surpassed the 5-week TWE assignment given to him in 2021, since that time, he has transitioned to maintenance contractor and is now a full-time employee of Life Remodeled as a maintenance technician. Al continues to pass along the help he has received as he regularly goes above and beyond to help tenant partners, community members, and guests of the DIS. “I want to grow old and still have a connection with the Durfee Innovation Society,” says Al.
Dive into his inspiring narrative in this video, showcasing how a single opportunity can profoundly shape a person’s life for the better.

Historically, nonprofits have done a great job publicly recognizing and celebrating their largest financial donors. Company logos are easily visible on websites, brochures, and other marketing materials; however, while we all know financial support is imperative for impact, there are other individuals whose contributions to our missions are priceless.
There are many community members, students, and volunteers who may not have donated enough dollars to make our donor wall, but their impact is just as valuable. Therefore, through this campaign, we’re spotlighting 10 of the most inspirational individuals who have had an unmatched impact on the success of our Life Remodeled projects.