Felicia Vannostrand
Founder of Nursing Detroit

Nursing Detroit: Empowering Communities Through Representation and Education

In the heart of Detroit, Felicia is leading a charge that transcends conventional healthcare initiatives. As the founder of Nursing Detroit, her mission is deeply personal and profoundly impactful, driven by a commitment to equitable healthcare and the power of representation.

The Impact of Representation

Felicia’s journey into healthcare began early, shaped by her own experiences and challenges. “I started out as a respiratory therapist at age 22,” she reflects, “and I saw firsthand the disparities and the lack of diversity in healthcare settings.” This awareness sparked a determination to disrupt the status quo, particularly in a city where racial demographics are starkly reflected in healthcare statistics.

“It’s about representation,” Felicia emphasizes. “Research shows that when patients and caregivers look alike, especially in communities of color, patient outcomes improve.” This correlation underscores the critical need for healthcare providers who not only possess clinical skills but also cultural competence and a deep understanding of community needs.

Building Bridges through Education

Nursing Detroit’s approach isn’t just about filling gaps in the healthcare workforce; it’s about building sustainable pathways through education. “We’re in the high schools now,” Felicia explains passionately. “Starting at age 12, we’re showing young Detroiters that healthcare careers are within reach.” By embedding healthcare education early, Felicia and her team are not only preparing future healthcare professionals but also instilling a sense of possibility and aspiration in communities where such pathways have historically been elusive.

Challenges and Triumphs

The road hasn’t been easy. Felicia acknowledges the challenges of navigating systemic barriers and educational disparities. “We face deficits in preventative healthcare,” she notes, pointing to the profound impact of COVID-19 in underserved zip codes like 48227 and 48219. These challenges underscore the urgency of Nursing Detroit’s mission, as they continue to expand and innovate.

Measuring Success

How does Nursing Detroit measure success? Felicia’s approach is pragmatic yet heartfelt. “We look at impact,” she says. “It’s not just about numbers; it’s about changed lives.” Whether it’s through placing a young graduate in a high-stakes healthcare environment or empowering a community with life-saving skills, each success story reinforces the organization’s broader impact.

Future Directions

Looking ahead, Nursing Detroit plans to expand its footprint, moving beyond its current locations to reach more Detroiters. “Our goal is to create a hub of healthcare training,” Felicia shares eagerly. “We’re partnering with schools, bridging gaps in skills training, and ensuring that our programs are inclusive and accessible.”

A Call to Action

For Felicia, Nursing Detroit isn’t just an organization; it’s a movement. “We’re disrupting healthcare education,” she asserts. “We’re creating pathways where none existed before.” Her vision is clear: to see more young people from diverse backgrounds entering and excelling in healthcare careers, thus transforming not only their own lives but also the health outcomes of their communities.

Felicia’s journey with Nursing Detroit is emblematic of resilience, determination, and a steadfast commitment to equity. As she continues to forge ahead, her impact reverberates far beyond the walls of hospitals and classrooms, shaping the future of healthcare in Detroit and inspiring generations to come.

“It’s about the kids, about the communities we serve. We’re building something here, something sustainable and impactful. And we’re just getting started.”

Lean on We billboard art with participants Andrea Meyer, Felicia Vannostrand and Jackie Perkins.
Lean on We billboard art with participants Andrea Meyer, Felicia Vannostrand and Jackie Perkins.

Historically, nonprofits have done a great job publicly recognizing and celebrating their largest financial donors. Company logos are easily visible on websites, brochures, and other marketing materials; however, while we all know financial support is imperative for impact, there are other individuals whose contributions to our missions are priceless.

There are many community members, students, and volunteers who may not have donated enough dollars to make our donor wall, but their impact is just as valuable. Therefore, through this campaign, we’re spotlighting 10 of the most inspirational individuals who have had an unmatched impact on the success of our Life Remodeled projects.