Ted Everingham
Six Day Project Volunteer

“Thank you, brother” 

A simple phrase that ignited long-time Six Day Project volunteer Ted Everingham, and allowed him to see firsthand how a simple act of service can make a difference in the community.

“Service has always been important to me”, says Ted, a semi-retired attorney in the Metropolitan Detroit area. He recalls, that his time active in Boy Scouts of America as a young child along with the influence of his parents is what set the gauge for his dedication to community service. 

Ted learned about Life Remodeled and the Six Day Project during a church men’s meeting, where Founder and CEO Chris Lambert was guest speaker. After hearing Chris speak, he decided to volunteer during the Six Day Project, a weeklong blight and beautification project that took place that year in the Durfee community. A special encounter with a community member cemented in his brain the power and fulfillment of service. 

Check out this video to hear Ted’s special experience and how fulfilling volunteerism can be for you. 

Lean on We billboard art with participants Don Moore, Ted Everingham, and Jake Williams.

Historically, nonprofits have done a great job publicly recognizing and celebrating their largest financial donors. Company logos are easily visible on websites, brochures, and other marketing materials; however, while we all know financial support is imperative for impact, there are other individuals whose contributions to our missions are priceless.

There are many community members, students, and volunteers who may not have donated enough dollars to make our donor wall, but their impact is just as valuable. Therefore, through this campaign, we’re spotlighting 10 of the most inspirational individuals who have had an unmatched impact on the success of our Life Remodeled projects.